HGH therapy Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Introduction to HGH Therapy

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a vital hormone produced by the pituitary gland that plays a key role in growth, cell regeneration, and metabolism. As we age, HGH production naturally declines, leading to associated symptoms like decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, reduced bone density, lack of energy, and impaired cognition. HGH therapy can help counteract many age-related declines by restoring HGH levels.

At The Hormone Hub in Rancho Cucamonga, we offer customized HGH therapy programs to help patients look and feel their best. HGH injections can produce transformative results when prescribed by a licensed medical professional and properly dosed. Read on to learn more about the benefits of HGH and why it may be right for you.

What is HGH and How Does it Work?

HGH stands for human growth hormone, a 191-amino acid protein secreted by the pituitary gland. HGH instructs the liver to produce insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which stimulates tissue and bone growth. HGH peaks during puberty and young adulthood, promoting development.

By age 30, HGH production starts declining up to 15% per decade. This natural decrease of growth hormones is known as somatopause and contributes to aging. Restoring HGH to healthy levels can help the body repair, rejuvenate, and operate more youthfully.

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Revitalize your body with HGH therapy today!

Benefits of HGH Therapy

Some benefits of HGH therapy include:

Who is a Good Candidate for HGH Therapy?

HGH therapy is primarily recommended for adults with low growth hormone levels causing undesirable symptoms. Ideal candidates include men and women ages 30-70 with:

If you exhibit two or more of these symptoms associated with low HGH, you may benefit from therapy. Blood tests can measure your IGF-1 levels to determine if you are growth hormone deficient.

Interesting fact

While often viewed as controversial, human growth hormone therapy has been shown in some studies to help build bone density and muscle mass in adults deficient in growth hormones. When used under medical supervision, HGH can help counteract age-related declines for certain patients. However, experts caution it has risks and unknown long-term effects.

HGH Treatment Protocol

The initial phase of HGH therapy involves blood testing, physical exam, review of medical history, and discussion of goals. Our physicians will order tests measuring IGF-1, pituitary function, nutrient levels, organ function, and more to properly diagnose hormone imbalance and create your treatment plan.

Most patients then begin HGH injections, taken each evening before bed. This mimics the body's natural release of growth hormone mostly at night. Starting doses average 1-2 IU (international units) per day, gradually titrated over months based on clinical response and follow-up lab work.

Positive changes in body composition, energy, skin, sleep, mood, cognitive ability, exercise capacity, sexual performance, injury healing, and sense of well-being occur for most patients within 3-6 months. Maintenance phase testing continues periodically.

Experience the transformative benefits of HGH therapy!

HGH Therapy in Rancho Cucamonga

The climate and amenities of Rancho Cucamonga make it an excellent area for HGH therapy. Conveniently located at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains, Rancho Cucamonga enjoys a mild year-round climate ideal for outdoor exercise and activities.

Spring and fall feature warm, sunny days perfect for walking, hiking, golf, tennis, cycling, or training at one of the city's many parks and trails. Even winter days allow for regular activity to build strength and endurance.

Rancho Cucamonga offers great fitness resources like

Frequently Asked Questions

How are HGH injections administered?

HGH therapy involves subcutaneous injections just under the skin, typically in the thighs or abdomen. The small needles make injections virtually painless. Your doctor will demonstrate proper injection techniques.

What are the side effects of growth hormone therapy?

When properly dosed, side effects are uncommon. Some mild, temporary side effects can include joint stiffness, fluid retention, or irritation at injection sites. Careful monitoring by your physician minimizes risks.

Is HGH therapy legal?

Yes, FDA-approved HGH injections are legal when prescribed by a licensed medical professional for medically diagnosed growth hormone deficiency. Over-the-counter supplements claiming to boost HGH are not proven and should be avoided.

How much does HGH therapy cost?

The cost of HGH therapy averages $700-1500 monthly, depending on dosage. Many insurance plans cover a portion of treatment for diagnosed hormone disorders. Our staff help you determine your coverage.

How long until I see HGH results?

Most patients report initial benefits in energy, sleep, and mental clarity within a few weeks. Changes in muscle gain and fat loss take 2-3 months. Full effects require 6 months of therapy, with ongoing improvements over time.

Restore Your Vitality with The Hormone Hub

Our experienced medical team is passionate about helping patients look and feel their best through safe, effective hormone therapy. We take time to listen and understand your unique needs, crafting customized treatment plans. Our state of the art Rancho Cucamonga facility provides a warm, welcoming environment focused on your health, wellness and treatment success.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and lab work to determine if HGH therapy is right for you!

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